
"And this is not all. Do ye not suppose that I know of these things for myself? Behold, I testify unto you that I do know that these things I have spoken are true. And how do ye suppose that I know of their surety? 46. Behold, I say unto you they are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God... 48. I say unto you, that whatsoever I shall say unto you, concerning that which is to come, is true; and I say unto you, that I know that Jesus Christ shall come, yea, the Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, and mercy, and truth. And behold, it is he that cometh to take away the sins of the world, yea, the sins of every man who steadfastly believeth on his name. 49. And now I say unto you that this is the order after which I am called, yea, to preach unto my beloved brethren."
-Alma 5:45-46,48-49
"Come unto Christ and be perfected in him and deny yourselves of all ungodliness."
-Moroni 10:32

My Address: (I LOVE MAIL!)
Sister Zhenya Plumb
California Arcadia Mission
614 W. Foothill Blvd.
Arcadia, CA 91006-2030

Monday, February 29, 2016

Last pics in Glendale

Dear family and friends,
I can't believe it's already the end of the month!
Here are some picture that never got sent through last week! Also
sorry if some of you have not been receiving emails from me. The mylds
site has been a bit glitchy I heard for some missionaries.
These are from my last area in Glendale. 1 the Tzecs! Gigi Justine! 2.
The Berganzas! (They fed her every Sat. night for dinner when she was in Glendale!) 3. Kevin! 4. Our zone! 5. Sister Iaboo! Dang so many
                                       1. The Tzecs - Gigi and Justine

                                                 2. The Berganzas

                                                          3. Kevin

                                                      4. The Zone - Her group of missionaries she hangs out with on p-days, splits (they change companions for a day), etc.              

                                                   5. Goodbye Sister Iaboo (Zhenya's trainer) - She is back home now on her island of Kiribati.

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